Pre and Post Care
Treatment Plan
-Schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event.
-Please discontinue the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week before your treatment to minimize the risk of bruising or bleeding. Please consult with your primary physician prior to discontinuing any medications.
– Arnica supplements may help decrease the risk of bruising if taken for 2-3 days before treatment (can be purchased at Whole Foods or Amazon).
-You may not have an active rash in the area being treated.
-You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
-Please come makeup-free if possible. If not, we will need to clean the skin being treated before injections.
– A full assessment will be performed every time to ensure the perfect dose for you. These injections are very quick and easy, using a very thin/small needle. Ice can be used to minimize pain before injections.
– Results will begin to show about 3-7 days after your injections.
-You are fine to go to work after your appointment. Some mild redness at the injection sites is normal and will fade quickly.
– Redness or sensitivity might be present in the area treated (and last up to a few hours).
– Use Tylenol only as needed for any soreness or mild headaches.
– Do NOT manipulate the treated area for 4 hours following treatment.
– Do NOT wear a hat for 4 hours following treatment.
– Do NOT lie down for 4 hours after your treatment.
– Do NOT perform activities involving straining, heavy lifting or vigorous exercise for the rest of the day following your treatment. The next morning is fine to resume normal exercise routines.
– It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any other facial treatments (facials, massages, lasers, ultrasounds, micro-dermabrasion, etc.)
It can take approximately 3-7 days for results to be seen. If the desired result is not seen after 2 weeks of your treatment you may need additional injections. You will be charged for product used during any touch up or subsequent appointments.
Treatment Plan
-Schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event.
-Please discontinue the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week before your treatment to minimize the risk of bruising or bleeding. Please consult with your primary physician prior to discontinuing any medications.
– Avoid alcoholic beverages for 48 hours prior to treatment (alcohol can thin blood and increase bruising).
-Avoid dental work for 2 weeks prior to appointment
– Starting Arnica supplements at least 2 days prior to injections may help with bruising (purchased at Whole Foods or Amazon).
– Let the provider know if you have a history of cold sores. An antiviral may be prescribed.
-You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
– Please come makeup-free if possible.
-We will apply ice and a topical numbing cream during the treatment to ensure that you’re comfortable.
– Results are immediate! However, temporary bruising and swelling is normal.
– Redness or sensitivity might be present (and last up to a few hours).
– Use Tylenol for any soreness.
– If you have swelling, you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour if instructed to do so by provider.
– Sleep face up and slightly elevated. This will also help with swelling.
– Avoid makeup the rest of that day.
– Do not massage or manipulate the treated area for at least 4 hours following treatment.
– Avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for the rest of the day.
– Avoid extensive sun or heat exposure for 72 hours after your treatment.
– Do not receive any laser, chemical peel, microneedling or microdermabrasion treatments after any injections for at least 10 days.
-Avoid dental work for 2 weeks after your treatment.
Treatment Plan
BEFORE -please come to your appointment in comfortable clothes with short sleeves or loose sleeves that can be rolled up -please come to your appointment hydrated and eat a light snack beforehand -please let us know if you are taking any medications or have a history of kidney or heart problems
DURING- During an IV vitamin infusion, Lauren begins by first sanitizing the skin where the needle will be in the vein. A thin needle inside a catheter is then used to pierce the skin and insert the catheter into the vein. The catheter is taped to hold it in place. The process itself is generally painless, other than a slight pinch during insertion. The IV line is attached to a bag containing a saline solution with several different vitamins that’s hung high above the patient’s head. IVs work with the help of gravity, which pushes the fluid down into the blood. Almost all of our IV treatment options generally take 30-45 minutes. You will be able to use this time to relax, use your phone or laptop, or ask questions about other treatments.
AFTER- After your treatment, you will be able to continue your daily activities, go back to work, or exercise. There are no restrictions after your treatment and most patients report a feeling of relaxation or wellness shortly after. Some patients report more energy and better sleep that same day, while others report that it takes 1-2 days to feel “a difference”. However, even if you feel exactly the same, you are still receiving the same benefits of each treatment. Very few side effects have been reported with IV vitamin infusions, but please reach out to us directly with any concerns or questions after your treatment.
Treatment Plan
-Schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event.
-Please discontinue the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week before your treatment to minimize bruising or bleeding. Please consult with your primary physician prior to discontinuing any medications.
– Arnica supplements may help decrease the risk of bruising if taken for 2-3 days before treatment (can be purchased at Whole Foods or Amazon).
– Please let your provider know if you have a history of cold sores. An antiviral may be prescribed.
-You may not have an active rash in the area being treated.
-You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding.
-Please come to your appointment makeup-free if possible.
-We will apply ice to area before and after treatment to make sure that you are comfortable.
-A very small/thin needle is used during the treatment and the injections only take a few minutes.
– Redness or sensitivity might be present (and last up to a few hours).
– Use Tylenol only as needed for any soreness.
– It can take approximately 12 weeks for results to be seen. If the desired result is not seen after 12 weeks of your treatment, you may need additional injections. You will be charged for product used at subsequent appointments.
– Sleep face up and slightly elevated. This will also help with swelling.
– Do NOT, touch, press, rub, massage or manipulate the treatment area.
– Ice the treated areas for the next 24 hours. Place the icepack on the area for 20 minutes and remove the ice pack for 20 minutes. Continue this pattern for 24 hours.
– Apply (over the counter) Arnica gel to the treatment area to help decrease the bruising, swelling and discomfort.
– Drink plenty of water and fluids after treatment.
– Avoid vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for 3-5 days after treatment.
– Avoid Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve and other NSAIDS at least 3 days to 1 week after treatment. These items may increase bleeding and bruising.
– Avoid alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, spicy foods and cigarettes 24-48 hours after your treatment. These items may contribute to increased swelling or irritation.
– Avoid cosmetic treatments such as injectables, laser, ultrasound, peels, facials or micro-dermabrasion to the Kybella treatment area.
– Please report to your provider immediately if you develop an asymmetric smile or facial muscle weakness, skin ulceration in the treatment area, difficulty swallowing or if any existing symptom worsens.
Treatment Plan
-Please come to the appointment with clean skin, your hair pulled back, and a clean mask to wear home.
– Schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event. Redness, swelling and peeling may be apparent in that time period.
– Let the provider know if you have a history of cold sores. An antiviral may be prescribed.
– You may not have an active rash in the area being treated.
– Avoidance of Accutane for the past 6 months is required.
– Avoidance of IPL/BBL, laser procedures and waxing for the past 7 days is required.
– Discontinue topical retinoids for 48 hours before treatment to reduce sensitivity.
– This treatment is OK during pregnancy and breastfeeding if you are OK having the treatment without numbing cream.
-A numbing cream will be given to you before your appointment to apply at home 30 minutes before coming (mix all 3 packets together in your hand and apply a thin layer over the skin that will be treated avoiding your eyes and mouth). If numbing cream was not given to you before your appointment, a numbing cream will be applied during your visit.
-Your skin will be cleaned with a gentle cleanser and alcohol prior to the treatment.
-A small device called the SkinPen will be used to create tiny “micro” injuries to the skin in a controlled way. The treatment typically takes less than 30 minutes.
-You will be given post-procedure products to use at home for the first 24-48 hours.
– Redness or sensitivity might be present (and last up to a few days).
– Use Tylenol only as needed for any soreness.
– Peeling and dullness of the skin may start 1-3 days after the procedure and is very normal.
– Do not pick or scratch at treated skin.
– Avoid strenuous exercise or sweating for 24 hours.
– Avoid sun tanning and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
– If exposed to the sun, always use a physical sunscreen and reapply every 2 hours.
– Schedule your next appointment in 4-6 weeks; 3-6 treatments recommended for best results.
Treatment Plan
BEFORE -please come to your appointment in comfortable clothes with short sleeves or loose sleeves that can be rolled up -please come to your appointment hydrated and eat a light snack beforehand -please let us know if you are taking any medications or have a history of kidney or heart problems
DURING- During an IV vitamin infusion, Lauren begins by first sanitizing the skin where the needle will be in the vein. A thin needle inside a catheter is then used to pierce the skin and insert the catheter into the vein. The catheter is taped to hold it in place. The process itself is generally painless, other than a slight pinch during insertion. The IV line is attached to a bag containing a saline solution with several different vitamins that’s hung high above the patient’s head. IVs work with the help of gravity, which pushes the fluid down into the blood. Almost all of our IV treatment options generally take 30-45 minutes. You will be able to use this time to relax, use your phone or laptop, or ask questions about other treatments.
AFTER- After your treatment, you will be able to continue your daily activities, go back to work, or exercise. There are no restrictions after your treatment and most patients report a feeling of relaxation or wellness shortly after. Some patients report more energy and better sleep that same day, while others report that it takes 1-2 days to feel “a difference”. However, even if you feel exactly the same, you are still receiving the same benefits of each treatment. Very few side effects have been reported with IV vitamin infusions, but please reach out to us directly with any concerns or questions after your treatment.
Treatment Plan
– Use sunscreen and physical sun protection.
– Avoid extended sun exposure, i.e. beach, travel to sunny locations, sunbathing, sports outdoors.
– Inform your BBL clinician if any physician has ordered Accutane for you in the last 6 months.
– Inform your doctor of any medical conditions or medications you are taking that might sensitize you to light, affect wound healing or affect coagulation.
– The procedure is typically gentle and safe.
– There is no need for a topical anesthetic, however, your clinician may choose to use it.
– Your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses.
– You may briefly feel a warm or rubber band snap sensation as the light is absorbed.
– You may experience some redness in the treatment area that should resolve within a few hours.
– You may notice darkening of your pigmented spots, followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage.
– Follow your clinician’s aftercare plan until skin is completely healed–typically one week after the treatment. The skin on your body might take longer to heal, compared to your face.
Treatment Plan
- Oral Antiviral Agent: It is recommended for all patients that are having resurfacing treatments done around the mouth to prevent any cold sore virus from getting into the treated areas. Take Valtrex 500 mg twice a day starting 1 day before treatment and continue for 5 days post-treatment (7 days in total).
- Discontinue Active Ingredients: In order to prepare for your treatment, it’s important to avoid using skincare products that contain active ingredients including Glycolic Acid, Retinol (Retin-A, Tretinoin, Vitamin A), Salicylic Acid, AHAs (Alpha-hydroxy acids), and LHAs (Lipo-hydroxy acids) at least 7 days prior to the treatment. Additionally, it’s recommended that you avoid using hydroquinone for 3 days before your treatment to ensure optimal results.
- No Makeup: Arrive at your treatment appointment without any makeup.
- Avoid Sun Exposure: Stay away from sun exposure (including using tanning beds) for at least 14 days before treatment. Also, avoid sunless tanning creams or sprays on the treated area for 14 days prior.
- Waxing and Depilatory Creams: For 14 days before treatment, avoid using depilatory creams or waxing on the areas that will be treated.
- Avoid Blood Thinners: Before your treatment, avoid taking blood thinners such as Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Fish Oils, and Vitamin E for 5-7 days. Remember to bring a wide-brimmed hat with you on the day of your treatment to protect your skin when you leave the office.
- Cleansing: Cleanse the skin twice a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, starting the morning after the treatment. Use your hands and gentle patting motions. Avoid rubbing, scrubbing, or using an exfoliant or skincare brush on the treated area.
- Moisturizer: Apply moisturizer generously over the treated area and reapply as needed. Do not apply any products that were not instructed by your provider.
- Sunscreen: Sunscreen is essential and should be used daily, starting the day after treatment, and consistently for up to 3 months post-procedure. Use a physical sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and an SPF of 30. Ensure to reapply during sun exposure.
- Cleansing- Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, beginning
the morning after the treatment. Use your hands and gentle patting motions. DO NOT rub, scrub, use an exfoliant or skin care brush such as a Clarisonic on the treated area. - Moisturizer- Moisturizer should be applied generously with clean hands over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry. DO NOT apply any other products that were not instructed by your doctor – eg. essential oils, coconut oil, etc.
- Sunscreen- Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day after treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post procedure. Use a physical sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of 30. Ensure to reapply during sun exposure.
Treatment Plan
– Avoid blood thinners: Refrain from taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications for about a week prior to treatment to minimize bruising.
– Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water the day before your treatment.
– Cleanse: Ensure your face is clean and free of makeup, lotions, or creams on the day of the treatment.
– Relax: The procedure is relatively quick and is often described as mildly uncomfortable rather than painful.
– Numbing: A topical anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort.
– Injection: Sculptra is injected into the desired areas using a fine needle.
– Massage: The treated area might be massaged by the practitioner to ensure even distribution of the product.
– Duration: The entire procedure usually takes less than an hour.
– Avoid strenuous activity: Refrain from vigorous exercise for 24-48 hours after the treatment.
– Cold compress: Apply a cold pack to the treated area to reduce swelling or bruising.
– Massage: Your practitioner may advise you to massage the treated areas a few times a day for several days to help distribute the product.
– Sun protection: Protect the treated areas from direct sunlight and wear sunscreen.
– Follow-up: Schedule follow-up treatments if necessary, as Sculptra typically requires multiple sessions for optimal results.
– Monitor: Keep an eye out for any unusual side effects, and contact your practitioner if you have concerns.
Let’s get in touch!