Sculptra in San Carlos, CA

Sculptra in San Carlos, CA

Sculptra in San Carlos, CA

Sculptra treatments at San Carlos IV Bar in San Carlos, CA, offer a unique solution for facial rejuvenation by stimulating collagen production. Sculptra is composed of poly-L-lactic acid, which works by stimulating the body’s natural collagen production process. When injected into the skin, Sculptra promotes the gradual rebuilding of collagen fibers, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance over time.

Sculptra can treat multiple areas of the face, including the cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds (smile lines), and marionette lines. It is suitable for individuals seeking to address volume loss, improve skin texture, and restore facial contours. Sculptra is often recommended for patients with mild to moderate signs of aging and those looking for long-lasting results.

Results from Sculptra treatments develop gradually as the collagen production process is stimulated. Most patients notice improvements in skin texture and volume within a few weeks to months after the initial treatment. The results can last up to two years or more, making Sculptra an excellent option for long-term facial rejuvenation.

Rediscover a youthful appearance and restore natural volume with Sculptra treatments at San Carlos IV Bar. Our experienced team will guide you through a personalized treatment plan to achieve natural-looking and long-lasting results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the transformative benefits of Sculptra.

Benefits of Sculptra at San Carlos IV Bar

  • Stimulates collagen production for long-term facial rejuvenation.
  • Restores volume and improves facial contours.
  • Softens the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and creases.
  • Enhances skin texture and tone.
  • Gradual and natural-looking results.
  • Non-surgical treatment with minimal downtime.
  • Long-lasting effects, with results that can last up to two years or more.
  • Customized treatment plans tailored to individual needs and goals.
  • Suitable for various areas of the face, including cheeks, temples, and smile lines.
  • Enhances self-confidence and overall facial harmony.


Our Myers Cocktail ingredients are sourced from a local compounding pharmacy and contain Normal Saline, Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Gluconate, B4 (Pyridoxine), B6 (Dexpanthenol), B12 (hydroxocobalamin or methylcobalamin), B Complex, and Vitamin C.

Glutathione, Zinc, and other antioxidants/minerals/amino acids can be added to your treatment based on your individual needs and goals.

High Dose Vitamin C IV treatments are available as well.


Sculptra works by stimulating the body’s natural collagen production. It is injected into the skin, promoting the gradual rebuilding of collagen fibers, which results in a more youthful appearance over time.
Sculptra is an FDA-approved treatment that has been used worldwide for many years. Our skilled professionals at San Carlos IV Bar ensure safe and effective administration of the treatment.
The number of Sculptra treatments required varies depending on individual needs and goals. Typically, a series of three to four treatments, spaced several weeks apart, is recommended.
The injections may cause some discomfort, but our team can apply a topical numbing cream or use other techniques to enhance your comfort during the treatment.
Results from Sculptra treatments develop gradually as collagen production is stimulated. Most patients notice improvements within a few weeks to months after the initial treatment.
The results of Sculptra can last up to two years or more. Maintenance treatments may be recommended to maintain the desired results over time.

Treatment Plan

– Avoid blood thinners: Refrain from taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications for about a week prior to treatment to minimize bruising.
– Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water the day before your treatment.
– Cleanse: Ensure your face is clean and free of makeup, lotions, or creams on the day of the treatment.

– Relax: The procedure is relatively quick and is often described as mildly uncomfortable rather than painful.
– Numbing: A topical anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort.
– Injection: Sculptra is injected into the desired areas using a fine needle.
– Massage: The treated area might be massaged by the practitioner to ensure even distribution of the product.
– Duration: The entire procedure usually takes less than an hour.

– Avoid strenuous activity: Refrain from vigorous exercise for 24-48 hours after the treatment.
– Cold compress: Apply a cold pack to the treated area to reduce swelling or bruising.
– Massage: Your practitioner may advise you to massage the treated areas a few times a day for several days to help distribute the product.
– Sun protection: Protect the treated areas from direct sunlight and wear sunscreen.
– Follow-up: Schedule follow-up treatments if necessary, as Sculptra typically requires multiple sessions for optimal results.
– Monitor: Keep an eye out for any unusual side effects, and contact your practitioner if you have concerns.

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